聯絡電話 | 03-5715131 #33884 (Lab:33894) |
辦公室 | 國立清華大學台達館T433室 |
keng.py@mx.nthu.edu.tw keng.py@gapp.nthu.edu.tw |
學歷 | 亞利桑那大學 化學系 博士 |
個人網站 | https://sites.google.com/view/kengresearchgroup/ |
授課領域 | 化學、高分子化學 |
研究專長 | 奈米粒子與組裝;納米線和分支異質結構;光催化;中子捕獲療法;生物醫學成像和癌症治療 |

服務機關 | 職稱 | 起迄年月 | 擔任之工作 |
國立清華大學材料科學工程學系 | 助理教授 | 2019年02月 ~ | Principal Investigator |
University of California Los Angeles | Assistant Professor | 2011.3-2017.12 | Principal Investigator |
University of California Los Angeles | Post-doctoral fellow | 2010.1-2011.3 | Research |
得獎年度 | 獎項名稱 | 頒獎單位 |
2010 | Scholars in Oncologic Molecular Imaging | University of California Los Angeles |
2008 | Proctor and Gamble Award for Outstanding Graduate Research | Proctor and Gamble |
2007-2008 | Mid-Career Fellowship | University of Arizona, Department of Chemistry |
2006 | Asian American Faculty, Staff and Alumni Association (AAFSAA) Travel Grant | University of Arizona |
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任之工作 | 計畫時間 | 補助/委託機構 |
2019 | Hierarchical 1-dimentaionl metal oxide@boron nanotubes heterostructures for energy conversion application 108-2113-M-007-030 | Principal Investigator | 2019 - 2020 | MOST |
2012 | Commercialization of a bench top radiosynthesizer for the production of PET probes for imaging brain disorders | Co-Investigator | 2012 - 2013 | National Institute of Health /National Institute of Mental Health |
2011 | Microfluidic technology platforms for synthesizing, labeling and measuring kinetics of transport and biochemical reactions, for developing molecular probes | Co-Investigator | 2011 - 2013 | Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research |
2012 | Commercialization of a microscale, point-of-use radiosynthesis device for the development and production of PET probes | Co-Investigator | 2012 - 2014 | Department of Energy |
2012 | Microliter radiosynthesizer for producing high specific activity PET ligand | Principal Investigator | 2012 - 2014 | National Institute of Health |
年度 | 著作人 | 名稱 |
2019 | Kim, H.-K., Javed, M.R., Chen, S., Zettlitz, K.A., Collins, J., Wu, A.M., “CJ”, and van Dam, R, Keng, P.Y.* | On-demand radiosynthesis of N-succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorobenzoate ([18F]SFB) on an electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidic chip for 18F-labeling of protein |
2018 | Sergeev, M.E., Lazari, M., Morgia, F., Collins, J, Javed, M.R., Sergeeva, O., Jones, J., Phelps, M.E., Lee, J.T., Keng, P.Y.*, van Dam, R.M.* | Performing radiosynthesis in microvolumes to maximize molar activity of tracers for positron emission tomography. . Comm. Chem. 2018, 1, 10, 1-10. |
2014 | Ismail, R., Irribaren, J., Javed, M.R., Machness, A., van Dam, R.M., Keng, P.Y.* | Cationic imidazolium polymer monoliths for efficient solvent exchange, activation and fluorination on a continuous flow system. RSC Advances. 2014, 4, 25348-25356. |
2014 | Javed, M.R., Chen, S., Kim, H.-K., Kim, C.-J. “CJ”, and van Dam, R, Keng, P.Y.* | On-demand radiosynthesis of [18F]-3-deoxy-3‘-fluorothymidine using electrowetting-on-dielectric microdevice and a simplified cartridge purification. . J. Nucl. Med. 2014, 55, 321-328 |
2014 | Javed, M.R., Chen, S., Lei, J, Collins, J., Sergeev, M., Kim, H.-K., Kim, C.J. “CJ”, and van Dam, R, Keng, P.Y.* | Rapid, high yielding and high specific activity radiosynthesis of [18F]fallypride on the electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) microdevice. Chem. Comm. 2014. 50, 1192-1194 |
2014 | Chen, S., Javed, M.R., Kim, H.-K, Lei, J., Lazari, M. Shah, G.J., van Dam, R.M., Keng, P.Y., Kim, C.-J. “CJ | Radiolabeling diverse positron emission tomography (PET) tracers using a single digital microfluidic reactor chip. Lab Chip. 2014, 14, 902-910. |
2014 | Cheung, S., Ly, J., Lazari, M., Sadeghi, S., Keng, P.Y., van Dam, R.M | The separation and detection of PET tracers via capillary electrophoresis for chemical identity and purity analysis. J Pharm Biomed Analysis. 2014, 94, 12-18. |
2014 | Ma, X.X., Tseng, W.-Y., Eddings, M., Keng, P.Y., van Dan, R.M. | A microreactor with phase-change microvalves for batch chemical synthesis at high temperatures and pressures. Lab Chip. 2014, 14, 280-285. |
2013 | Dooraghi, A.*, Keng, P.Y.*, Chen, S., Javed, M.R, Kim, C.-J. “CJ”, Chatziioannou, A.F., van Dam. R. M. | Optimization of microfluidic PET tracer synthesis with Cerenkov imaging. Analyst. 2013, 138, 5654. |
2013 | Seergev, M., Moore, F., Javed, M.R., Doi, M. Keng, P.Y.* | Enzymatic radiofluorination: fluorinase accepts methylaza-analogue of SAM as substrate for FDA synthesis. J. Mol. Cat. B. 2013. 97, 74-79. |
2013 | Seergev, M., Moore, F., Keng, P.Y.* | Polymer-immobilized fluorinase: recyclable catalyst for fluorination reactions.. J. Mol. Cat. B. 2013. 92, 51-56. |
2012 | Ding, H.-J., Sadeghi, S., Shah, G.J., Chen, S., Keng, P.Y., Kim, C.-J. “CJ”, and van Dam, R. | Accurate dispensing of volatile reagents on demand for chemical reactions in EWOD chips. Lab on Chip. 2012, 12, 3331-3340. PMID: 22825699 |
2012 | Kim, H.-K., Chen, S., Javed, M.R., Kim, C.-J. “CJ”, van Dam, R.M., Keng, P.Y.* | Optimization of microdroplet radiofluorination towards on-demand synthesis of N-succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorobenzoate (SFB) on an EWOD microdevice. J Nucl Med. 2012 (Supplement 1):1483 |
2012 | Ismail, R., Park, K.-J.J, van Dam, R.M., Keng, P.Y.* | Functional polymer monoliths towards solid phase radiosynthesis on microfluidic chip. J Nucl Med. 2012, 53 (Supplement 1): 572 |
2012 | Park, K.-J.J., Ismail, R., van Dam, R.M., Keng, P.Y. | Recyclable quaternary ammonium functionalized polymer monoliths for efficient on-chip fluoride preconcentration. J. Nucl. Med. 2012; 53 (Supplement 1):490 |
2012 | Sadeghi. S., Ding, H.-J., Shah, G.J., Chen, S., Keng, P.Y., Kim, C.-J. “CJ”, and van Dam, R. | On chip droplet characterization: A practical, high-sensitivity measurement of droplet impedance in digital microfluidics. Anal Chem. 2012, 84, 1915-1923. |
2010 | Keng, P. Y., Chen, S. Ding, H.-J. Sadeghi, S., Shah, G. J., Dooraghi, A., Phelps, M. E., Satyamurthy, N., Chatziioannou, A. F., Kim, C.-J. “CJ”, van Dam, R. | Micro-chemical synthesis of molecular probes on an electronic microfluidic device. PNAS 2012, 109 (3), 690-695. |
2012 | Tu, X., Nichol, G.S., Keng, P.Y., Pyun, J., Zheng, Z | Hybrids by cluster complex-initiated polymerization. Macromolecules. 2012. 45 (5), 2614-2618. |
2010 | Dylan, B., Keng, P. Y., Beatrice, M. Pyun, J., Loy, D.A. | Mechanically Reinforced Silica Aerogel Nanocomposite via Surface Initiated Atom Transfer Polymerizations. J. Mater. Chem. 2010. 20 (33), 6863-6865. |
2011 | Keng, P. Y., Bull, M., Shim, I., Nebesny, K., Armstrong, N. R., Sung, Y., Char, K., Pyun, J. | Colloidal Polymerization of Ferromagnetic PS-CoNPs into 1-D Hollow Pt-Co3O4 Heterostructures with Enhanced Electrochemical and Catalytic Activities. Chem. Mater. 2011. 23 (5), 1120-1129. |
2009 | Keng, P. Y.; Shim, I.; Bull, M.M.; Griebel, J.J.; Ratcliff, E.L.; Armstrong, N.R.; Pyun, J. | Colloidal Polymerization of Polymer Coated Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles into Cobalt Oxide Nanowires,” ACS Nano. 2009. 3, 3143-3159. PMID: 19799415 |
2012 | Breiderich, J., Wei, M.C., Clatterbaugh, G.V., Benkoski, J.J., Keng, P.Y., Pyun, J. | Controlling lenght and areal density of artificial cilia through the dipolar assembly of ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Soft Matter. 2012, 8, 5334-5341.2012 |
2009 | Benkoski, J., Deacon, R.; Land, B. H., Baird, L. M.; Breidenich, J. L. Srinivasan, R., Clatterbaugh, G.V., Keng, P. Y., Pyun, J. | Dipolar Assembly of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles into Magnetically Driven Artificial Cilia,” Soft Matter. 2009. 6, 602-609. |
2007 | Keng, P. Y.; Shim, I.; Korth, B. D.; Douglas, J. F.; Pyun, J | Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Polymer-Coated Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles.” ACS Nano. 2007, 1, (4), 279-292. PMID: 19206678 |
2006 | Korth, B. D.; Keng, P.Y; Shim, I.; Bowles, S. E.; Tang, C.; Kowalewski, T.; Nebesny, K. W.; Pyun, J. | Polymer-Coated Ferromagnetic Colloids from Well-Defined Macromolecular Surfactants and Assembly into Nanoparticle Chains,” J. Am Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, (20), 6562-6563. PMID: 16704248 |
著作人 | 名稱 | 日期 |
Keng, P.Y., Sergeev, M.E., van Dam, R.M. | Perspective on Nuclear Medicine for Molecular Imaging and Integrated Therapy, “Advantages of Radiochemistry in Microvolume.” 2016, 93-111. | 2016 |
Keng, P. Y., Esterby, M.; van Dam, R. M | InTech Book Chapter, “Emerging Technologies for Decentralized Production of PET Tracers” 2012. | 2012 |
Korth, B.D.; Keng, P.; Shim. I.; Tang, C.; Kowalewski, T.; Pyun, J | Synthesis, Assembly and Functionalization of Polymer Coated Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles,” ACS Symposium Series, “Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Stabilization, Passivation and Functionalization” 2008, 996, 272-285. | 2008 |
著作人 | 名稱 | 日期 |
Shah, G.J., van Dam, R.M., Keng, P.Y. | Disposable World-To-Chip Interface for Digital Microfluidics | 2013 |
Keng, P.Y., Ismail, R., Park, K.-J., Machness, A. | Polymer Monolith for Solvent Exchange in Continuous Flow Microfluidic Device | 2013 |
Van Dam, R.M.; Kim, C.-J.; Chen, S.; Ding, H.-J.; Shah, G. J.; Keng, P.Y. | Digital Microfluidic Platform for Radiochemistry | 2009 |
Pyun, J.; Korth, B.; Bowles, S.; Keng, P.Y. | Multifunctional Polymer Coated Magnetic Nanocomposites | 2007 |