

聯絡電話 03-5715131 ext: 35329 (Lab:35331)
辦公室 國立清華大學台達館T413-1室 (Lab:材科415、427室)
E-mail wujm@mx.nthu.edu.tw; jmwuyun@gmail.com
學歷 國立清華大學 材料科學工程 博士
個人網站 https://sites.google.com/view/jmwulabwebsite/home
實驗室 35331
授課領域 材料物理性質、能源材料、產業特論
研究專長 先進功能性奈米材料;高活性壓電觸媒之產氫與有機廢水處理;壓電子學與奈米發電機;軟性電子元件;智能感測材料;鋰離子電池材料



服務機關 職稱 起迄年月
美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 訪問研究員 2019年 ~ 2020年
台灣真空學會 理事 2018年 ~
中國材料學會 副秘書長 2014年 ~
國立清華大學材料科學工程學系 代理系主任 2018年02月 ~ 2018年08月
國立清華大學材料科學工程學系 副主任 2015年08月 ~ 2018年02月
國立清華大學材料科學工程學系 教授 2016年08月 ~
國立清華大學 副教授 2013年08月 ~ 2016年07月
美國喬治亞理工學院 訪問教授 2011年07月 ~ 2012年07月
逢甲大學 副教授 2009年08月 ~ 2013年08月
逢甲大學 助理教授 2006年08月 ~ 2009年08月
工業技術研究院 研究員 2004年07月 ~ 2006年07月
錸德科技股份有限公司 專案襄理 1999年06月 ~ 2004年07月
得獎年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
2017 第十五屆有庠科技論文獎 財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會
2011, 2013, 2016 優秀年輕學者計畫 科技部
2012 真空學會年輕學者獎 台灣真空學會
2011 吳大猷先生紀念獎 行政院國家科學委員會
2007 逢甲大學研究學術論文傑出獎(2007~2009) 逢甲大學
2005 工研院研究論文獎 財團法人工業技術研究院
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託機構
2016 Energy Harvest 吳志明 主持人 2016年02月 ~ 2016年12月 綠點高新科技股份有限公司
2016 多孔性氧化鋁金屬觸媒材料合成開發 吳志明 主持人 2016年04月 ~ 2016年12月 工研院
2016 高活性鈣鈦礦錫酸鋅異質接面奈米結構在可見光觸媒特性暨分解水產氫之整合性研究(1/3) 吳志明 主持人 2016年08月 ~ 2019年07月 科技部
2016 高輸出功率型稻殼摩擦奈米發電機暨其電漿表面改質在自供電之整合型系統研究(1/3) 吳志明 主持人 2016年08月 ~ 2019年07月 科技部
2016 氫氧根錫酸鋅奈米晶體材料製備與特性分析研究 吳志明 主持人 2016年01月 ~ 2016年12月 研發處
2015 氫氧根錫酸鋅奈米晶體材料製備與特性分析研究 吳志明 計畫主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2015年12月 工研院
2015 高性能無鉛壓電奈米材料在軟性透明奈米發電機之整合性應用研究(3/3) 吳志明 計畫主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部
2015 核殼金屬氧化物奈米結構之整合型感測與光電奈米元件研究(3/3) 吳志明 計畫主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部
2015 氫氧根錫酸鋅奈米晶體材料製備與特性分析研究 吳志明 計畫主持人 2015年12月 ~ 2016年07月 工研院
2014 高性能無鉛壓電奈米材料在軟性透明奈米發電機之整合性應用研究(第2年) 吳志明 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月 科技部
2014 核殼金屬氧化物奈米結構之整合型感測與光電奈米元件研究(第2年) 吳志明 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月 科技部
2013 高性能無鉛壓電奈米材料在軟性透明奈米發電機之整合性應用研究三年計畫(第1年) 吳志明 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2016年07月 國科會
2013 核殼金屬氧化物奈米結構之整合型感測與光電奈米元件研究三年計畫(第1年) 吳志明 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2016年07月 國科會
2012 新穎性紫外光快速合成法在奈米元件與光催化暨材料合成自組裝之反應動力學研究(第二年) 吳志明 主持人 2012年08月 ~ 2013年07月 國科會
2012 有機金屬材料之光感測機制研究 吳志明 主持人 2012年04月 ~ 2012年11月 工研院
2012 有機金屬之UV光裂解機制探討 吳志明 主持人 2011年04月 ~ 2012年11月 工研院
2011 新穎性紫外光快速合成法在奈米元件與光催化暨材料合成自組裝之反應動力學研究(第一年) 吳志明 主持人 2011年08月 ~ 2012年07月 國科會
2010 透明導電氧化鋅鋁奈米線混成多孔性二氧化鈦奈米粒子之膠態電解質染料敏化太陽能電池研製 吳志明 主持人 2010年08月 ~ 2011年07月 國科會
2009 高週波誘導電漿輔助化學氣相沉積合成氧化鋅鋁奈米柱混成多孔性二氧化鈦奈米粒子之染料敏化太陽能電池研製 吳志明 主持人 2009年08月 ~ 2010年07月 國科會
2008 導電性氧化鋅鋁奈米柱混成二氧化鈦奈米粒子之染料敏化太陽能電池研製 吳志明 主持人 2008年08月 ~ 2009年07月 國科會
2007 全光譜CIGS覆蓋陣列單晶奈米柱混成太陽能電池之研究-控制式陣列單晶ZnO奈米柱之成長與太陽能電池之應用 吳志明 主持人 2007年08月 ~ 2008年07月 國科會
2006 摻雜銻之二氧化錫奈米線在氣體感測元件之應用 吳志明 主持人 2006年08月 ~ 2007年07月 國科會
年度 著作人 名稱
2019 Yu-Chun Wang, Jyh Ming Wu* Effect of Controlled Oxygen Vacancy on H2-Production through the Piezocatalysis and Piezophototronics of Ferroelectric R3C ZnSnO3 Nanowires, Advanced Functional Materials, 1907619
2019 Masimukku Srinivass, Cheng-Yu Wu, Jenq-Gong Duh, Yu-Chen Hu and Jyh Ming Wu* Multi-walled carbon-nanotube-decorated tungsten ditelluride nanostars as anode material for lithium-ion batteries, Nanotechnology 31, 3, 035406
2019 Yu Ting Chang, Yu-Chun Wang, Sz-Nian Lai, Chun-Wei Su, Chyi-Ming Leu, Jyh Ming Wu* Performance of hydrogen evolution reaction of R3C ferroelectric ZnSnO3 nanowires, Nanotechnology 30 (2019) 455401
2019 Tu-Ngoc Lam, Chun-Chieh Wang ,Wen-ChingKo, Jyh-Ming Wu, Sz-Nian Lai, Wei-Tsung Chuang, Chun-JenSu, Chia-Yin Ma, Mao-Yuan Lo, Ying-Jhih Wang, E-Wen Huang Tuning mechanical properties of electrospun piezoelectric nanofibers by heat treatment, Materialia 8, 100461
2019 Masimukku Srinivass, Cheng-Yu Wu, Jenq-Gong Duh and Jyh Ming Wu* Highly Rich 1T Metallic Phase of Few-Layered WS2 Nanoflowers for Enhanced Storage of Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7, 10363-10370
2019 Sz-Nian Lai, Chih-Kai Chang, Cheng-Shiun Yang, Chun-Wei Su, Chyi-Ming Leu, Ying-Hao Chu, Pao-Wen Sha , Jyh-Ming Wu* Ultrasensitivity of self-powered wireless triboelectric vibration sensor for operating in underwater environment based on surface functionalization of rice husks, Nano Energy 60, 715-723
2019 Ting-Mao Chou, Shuen-Wen Chan, Yu-Jiung Lin, Po-Kang Yang, Chia-Chen Liu, Yu-Jhen Lin, Jyh-Ming Wu, Jyun-Ting Lee, Zong-Hong Lin* A Highly Efficient Au-MoS2 Nanocatalyst for Tunable Piezocatalytic and Photocatalytic Water Disinfection, Nano Energy 57, 14-21
2019 Yi-Ling Liu , Jyh-Ming Wu* Synergistically Catalytic Activities of BiFeO3/TiO2 Core-Shell Nanocomposites for Degradation of Organic Dye Molecule through Piezophototronic Effect, Nano Energy 56, 74-81
2018 Chun-Hao Ma, Jie Jiang, Pao-Wen Shao, Qiang-Xiang Peng, Chun-Wei Huang, Ping-Chun Wu, Jyun-Ting Lee, Yu-Hong Lai, Din-Ping Tsai, Jyh-Ming Wu, Shen-Chuan Lo, Wen-Wei Wu, Yi-Chun Zhou, Po-Wen Chiu*, Ying-Hao Chu* Transparent Antiradiative Ferroelectric Heterostructure Based on Flexible Oxide Heteroepitaxy, ACS Applied Materials & interfaces, 10, 36, 30574-30580
2018 Cheng-Yu Wu, Wei-En Chang, Yu-Guang Sun, Jyh-Ming Wu*,Jenq-Gong Duh Three-dimensional S-MoS2@α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles composites as lithium-ion battery anodes for enhanced electrochemical performance, Materials Chemistry and Physics 219 (2018) 311–317
2018 Srinivaas Masimukku, Yu-Chen Hu, Zong-Hong Lin, Shuen-Wen Chan, Ting-Mao Chou, Jyh-Ming Wu* High efficient degradation of dye molecules by PDMS embedded abundant single layer tungsten disulfide and their antibacterial performance, Nano Energy 46, 338-346
2018 Jyh Ming Wu*, Yu-Guang Sun, Wei-En Chang, Jyun-Ting Lee Piezoelectricity induced water splitting and formation of hydroxyl radical from active edge sites of MoS2 nanoflowers, Nano Energy 46,372–382
2018 SrinivaasMasimukku, Yu-Chen Hu, Zong-Hong Lin, Shuen-Wen Chan, Ting-Mao Chou, Jyh Ming Wu* High efficient degradation of dye molecules by PDMS embedded abundant single-layer tungsten disulfide and their antibacterial performance, Nano Energy 40,369–375
2017 Jian-Guo Sun, Tse Ning Yang, I-Sung Kuo, Jyh-Ming Wu, Chiu-Yen Wang, LihJuann Chen* A leaf-molded transparent triboelectric nanogenerator for smart multifunctional applications, Nano Energy 32, 180–186
2017 Mei-Hsuan Wu, Jyun-Ting Lee, Yun Jung Chung, MasimukkuSrinivaas, Jyh-Ming Wu* Nano Energy:Ultrahigh efficient degradation activity of single- and few-layered MoSe2 nanoflowers in dark by piezo-catalyst effect, Nano Energy 40, October 2017, 369-375
2017 Jyun-Hao Lin, Yu-Hsiang Tsao, Mei-Hsuan Wu, Ting-Mao Chou, Zong-Hong Lin*, Jyh MingWu* Single- and few-layers MoS2 nanocomposite as piezo-catalyst in dark and self-powered active sensor, Nano Energy 31 (2017) 575–581
2017 Bo-Zhong Yang, Yu-Siou Lin, Jyh Ming Wu* Flexible contact-electrification field-effect transistor made from the P3HT:PCBM conductive polymer thin film, Applied materials today 9, 96–103
2016 Ting-Hao Chang , Yin-Wei Peng, Chuan-Hua Chen , Ting-WeiChang , Jyh-Ming Wu , Jenn-Chang Hwang , Jon-Yiew Gan* , Zong-Hong Lin* Protein-based contact electrification and its uses for mechanical energy harvesting and humidity detecting, Nano Energy 21, 238–246
2016 Chia-Te Hu, Jyh-Ming Wu , Jien-Wei Yeha , and Han C. Shih* Electron ballistic characteristic optimization in individual MWCNT by oxygen plasma treatment, RSC Advances 107977-107983, 6
2016 Chia-Te Hu, Jyh Ming Wu, Jien-Wei Yeh , and Han C. Shih* ZnO quantum dots decorated on optimized carbon nanotube intramolecular junctions exhibit superior field emission properties, RSC Advances 60877-60887, 6
2016 Jyh Ming Wu*, Wei En Chang, Yu Ting Chang, Chih‐Kai Chang Piezo-Catalytic effect on the enhancement of the ultra-high degradation activity in the dark by single- and few-layers MoS2 nanoflowers, Advanced Materials 28, 11
2016 Jyh Ming Wu*, Ying Hong Lin, and Bo-Zhong Yang Force-pad made from contact-electrification poly(ethylene oxide)/InSb field-effect transistor
2015 Jyh Ming Wu, Chih Kai Chang, and Yu Ting Chang High-output current density of the triboelectric nanogenerator made from recycling rice husks, Nano Energy 19, 39
2015 Hsueh-Shih Cnen, Ping Yang, Zishan H, Khan, Jyh Ming Wu, Guoran Li, and Ali Reza Kamali Quantum Dots and Nanoparticles in Light Emitting Diodes, Displays, and Optoelectronic Devices, Journal of Nanomaterials 10, 1155
2015 Jyh Ming Wu* and Li-Yi Tsay ZnO Quantum dots Decorated ZnO Nanowires for the Enhancement of Antibacterial and Photocatalytic Performances, Nanotechnology 26, 395704
2015 Jyh Ming Wu* , Yu-Nong Chen Surface Plasmon Resonance Effect for the Enhancement of Photodegradation Activity by Au/ZnSn(OH)6 Nanocubes, Dalton Transactions 10, 1039
2015 Jyh Ming Wu* , Chia Chia Lee, Ying Hong Lin High sensitivity wrist-worn pulse active sensor made from tellurium dioxide microwires, Nano Energy 14, 102
2015 Jyh Ming Wu* , Wei Tsung Kao Heterojunction Nanowires of AgxZn1-xO-ZnO Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activities under Visible-light and Dark Conditions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 3, 119
2014 Jyh Ming Wu! , Hsiao Jung Huang* and Ying Hong Lin* Thermally Pressure-Induced Partial Structural Phase Transitions in Core–Shell InSb-SiO2 Nanoballs/Microballs: Characterization, Size and Interface Effect, Nanotechnology, 25, 39
2014 Jyh Ming Wu! , Wei En Chang* Ultrahigh Responsivity and External Quantum Efficiency of an Ultraviolet-Light Photodetector Based on a Single VO2 Microwire, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 14286
2014 Jyh Ming Wu!, Chi Chun Kao* Self-Powered Pendulum and Micro-force Active Sensors Based on ZnS Nanogenerator, RSC Advances 3, 25184
2013 Jyh Ming Wu*, Yi-Ru Chen, and Wei Tsung Kao Ultrafine ZnO Nanoparticles/Nanowires Synthesized on a Flexible and Transparent Substrate: Formation, Water Molecules, and Surface Defect Effects, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 487
2013 Jyh Ming Wu*, Chi Chun Kao Self-Powered Piezotronic Strain Sensor Based on Single ZnSnO3 Microbelts, RSC Adv. 3, 25184
2013 Cheng-Hsiang Kuo, Jyh-Ming Wu and Su-Jien Lin*, Wen-Chih Chang High sensitivity of middle-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on an individual InSb nanowires, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 8 327
2012 Jyh Ming Wu, Chen Xu, Yan Zhang, Ya Yang,Yusheng Zhou, and Zhong Lin Wang* Flexible and Transparent Nanogenerator based on a Composite of Lead-Free ZnSnO3 Triangular-belts, Advanced Materials 24, 6094
2013 Cheng-Hsiang Kuo, Jyh-Ming Wu and Su-Jien Lin* Room Temperature-synthesized Vertically Aligned InSb Nanowires: Electrical Transport and Field Emission Characteristics, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 11, 69
2012 Zong-Hong Lin, Ya Yang, Jyh Ming Wu, Ying Liu, Fang Zhang, and Zhong Lin Wang BaTiO3 Nanotubes-Based Flexible and Transparent Nanogenerators, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 3599
2012 Ya Yang, Yusheng Zhou, Jyh Ming Wu, and Zhong Lin Wang Single Micro/Nanowire Pyroelectric Nanogenerators as Self-Powered Temperature Sensors, ACS Nano 6, 8456
2012 Ya Yang, Ken C. Pradel, Qingshen Jing, Jyh Ming Wu, Fang Zhang, Yusheng Zhou, Yue Zhang, and Zhong Lin Wang* Thermoelectric Nanogenerators Based on Single Sb-Doped ZnO Micro/Nanobelts, ACS Nano 6, 6984
2012 Jyh Ming Wu, Chen Xu, Yan Zhang, and Zhong Lin Wang* Lead-Free Nanogenerator Made from Single ZnSnO3 Microbelt, ACS Nano 6 4335
2012 Jyh Ming Wu, Cheng-Ying Chen, Yan Zhang, Kuan-Hsueh Chen, Ya Yang, Youfan Hu, Jr-Hau He and Zhong Lin Wang* Ultrahigh Sensitive Piezotronic Strain Sensors Based on a ZnSnO3 Nanowire/Microwire, ACS Nano 6, 4369
2012 Jyh Ming Wu*, Guo Kai Hsu Metallic Zinc Nanowires Effect in High-Performance Photoresponsive and Photocatalytic Properties of Composite Zinc Stannate Nanowires, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159, H497
2012 Jyh Ming Wu* Tin-doped Rutile Titanium Dioxide Nanowires: Luminescence, Gas Sensor, and Field Emission Properties”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2, 1434
2012 Ko-Ying Pan, Yu-Hung Lin, Po-Sheng Lee, Jyh Ming Wu, and Han C. Shih Synthesis of SnO2-ZnO Core-Shell Nanowires and Their Optoelectronic Properties”, Journal of Nanomaterials 6, 279245
2011 Jyh Ming Wu* TiO2/Ti1-xSnxO2 Heterojunction Nanowires: Characterization, Formation, and Gas Sensing Performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 14048
2011 Jyh Ming Wu*, Yi-Ru Chen and Yu-Hung Lin Rapidly Synthesized ZnO Nanowires by Ultraviolet Decomposition Process in Ambient Air for Flexible Photodetector, Nanoscale 3, 1053
2011 Jyh Ming Wu* and Yi-Ru Chen Ultraviolet-Light-Assisted Formation of ZnO Nanowires in Ambient Air: Comparison of Photoresponsive and Photocatalytic Activities in Zinc Hydroxide, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 2235
2011 Jyh Ming Wu*, Bang-Lian Liou Room Temperature Photo-induced Phase Transitions of VO2 Nanodevices”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 5499
2011 Yu-Hung Lin, Yang-Chih Hsueh, Po-Sheng Lee, Chih-Chieh Wang, Jiann-Ruey Chen, Jyh Ming Wu, Tsong-Pyng Perng, Han Chang Shih “Fabrication of Tin Dioxide Nanowires with Ultrahigh Gas Sensitivity by Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 10552
2011 Jyh Ming Wu* Chiung-Wan Fang , Lin Tsang Lee , Hsin-Hsien Yeh , Yu Hung Lin , Tsai Ling-Na, Lin Li-Jiaun Photoresponsive and Ultraviolet to Visible-light Range Photocatalytic Properties of ZnO:Sb Nanowires, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158, K6
2011 Chien-Yie Tsay, Kai-Shiung Fan & Chin-Yi Chen, Jyh Ming Wu , Chien-Ming Lei Effect of preheating process on crystallization and optical properties of sol-gel derived ZnO semiconductor thin films, Journal of Electroceramics 26, 5
2010 Yu-Hung Lin, Yang-Chih Hsueh, Po-Sheng Lee , Chih-Chieh Wang , Jiann Chen , Jyh Ming Wu , Tsong-Pyng Perng , Han C. Shih Preparation of Pt/SnO2 Core-shell Nanowires with Enhanced Ethanol Gas- and Photon-Sensing Properties”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, K206
2010 Yu-Hung Lin, Yang-Chih Hsueh, Chih-Chieh Wang, Jyh Ming Wu, Tsong-Pyng Perng , Han C. Shih Enhancing the Photon-sensing Properties of ZnO Nanowires by Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 13, 93
2010 P. S. Lee, Yu-Hung Lin, Y. S. Chang, Jyh Ming Wu, H. C. Shih Growth and Characterization of thermally Evaporated ATO Nanowires
2010 Chun-Kuo Liu, Jyh-Ming Wu, Han C.Shih Application of Plasma Modified Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes to Ethanol Vapor Detection, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 150, 641
2010 Chun-Kuo Liu, Meng-Wen Huang, Jyh Ming Wu, Han C. Shih Effect of plasma modification of single wall carbon nanotubes on ethanol vapor sensing”, Diamond & Related Materials 19, 981
2010 Chiung-Wan Fang, Jyh Ming Wu*, Lin-Tsang Lee, and Hsin-Hsien Yeh, Wen-Ti Wue, Yu-Hung Lin, Pei-Jung Tsai, Yi-Ru Chen Photocatalytic and Electron Field Emission Activities of Beak-like ZnO:Bi Nanowires, Electrochemical and Solid-state Letters.13, K63
2010 Yu-Hung Lin,Po-Sheng Lee, Yang-Chih Hsueh, Ko-Ying Pan, Chi-Chung Kei, Ming-Hui Chan, Jyh Ming Wu, Tsong-Pyng Perng, Han C. Shih* Atomic Layer Deposition of Zinc Oxide on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for UV Photodetector Applications, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158, 24
2010 Jyh Ming Wu* A Room Temperature Ethanol Sensor Made from P-type Sb-doped SnO2 Nanowires, Nanotechnology 21, 235501
2009 Jyh Ming Wu*, Cheng-Hsiang Kuo Ultraviolet Photodetectors Made from SnO2 Nanowires, Thin Solid Films 517, 3870
2009 Jyh Ming Wu* Implantation, Characterization, and Formation Mechanisms of Gold Nanocrystals in TiO2 Thin Film and Nanowires”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 156, K72
2009 Jyh Ming Wu* and Cheng-Hsiang Kuo A stable, low turn-on field of SnO2:Sb-SiO2 core-shell nanocable emitters, Journal of Physics 42, 125401
2009 Chia-Te Hu, Meng-Wen Huang, Yang-Chih Hsueh, Sen-Hong Syue, Chun-Kuo Liu, Jyh Ming Wu, Yee-shyi Chang, Han C. Shih* Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Carbon Nanotubes for Ethanol Gas Sensors”, Diamond and Related Materials 18, 472
2009 Yu-Hung Lin, Chun-Cha Kuo, Jyh Ming Wu, Uei-Shin Chen, Jiann-Ruey Chen and Han C. Shih Structural and Cathodoluminescence of Sb-doped SnO2”, Journal Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 2336
2009 Yu-Hung Lin, Meng-Wen Huang, Chun-Kuo Liu, Jiann-Ruey Chen, Jyh Ming Wu, and Han Shih The preparation and High Photon-sensing Properties of Fluorinated Tin Dioxide Nanowires, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 156, K196
2008 Jyh Ming Wu* Sn-Doped Starfish-like Nanostructures from TiO2-SiO2 Core-Shell Nanocables and SiO2 Nanowires: Processing, Properties, and Characterization, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 13192
2008 Jyh Ming Wu* Formation and Characterization of TiO2-SnOx-Sn Composite Nanowires Fabricated by Reduction/Oxidation of Sn and Ti Ions, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47, 383
2008 Chiung-Wan Fang, Jyh Ming Wu*, Lin-Tsang Lee, Yeh-Hsin Hsien, Shen-Chuan Lo, Chiung-Hsiung Chen ZnO:Al Nanostructures Synthesized on Pre-deposited aluminum (Al)/Si template: Formation, Photoluminescence and Electron Field Emission, Thin Solid Films 517, 1268
2008 Jyh Ming Wu* Characterizing and Comparing the Cathodoluminesence and Field Emission Properties of Sb doped SnO2 and SnO2 Nanowires, Thin Solid Films 517, 1289
2008 Yu-Hung Lin, Chiung-Ching Lin, Jyh Ming Wu, Uei-Shin Chen, Jiann-Ruey Chen, Han C. Shih* Formation and Cathodoluminescence of Al:ZnO Nanoscrew Clusters, Thin Solid Films 517, 1225
2008 Yu-Hung Lin, Chun-Chia Kuo, Jyh Ming Wu, Uei-Shin Chen, Yee-Shyi Chang, Han C. Shih* Characterization and Cathodoluminescence of Beak-Like SnO2 nanorods, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47, 8141
2007 Jyh Ming Wu*, Han C. Shih, Yung-Kuan Tseng Selected-area Growth of SnO2 Nanowires on the TiO2 Layer through the Reduction of Hydrogen Gas, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 ,1792
2007 Jyh Ming Wu*, Han C. Shih, Yung-Kuan Tseng, Cheng-Liang Hsu, Chien-Yie Tsay Synthesizing and Comparing the Photocatalytic Activities of Single Crystalline TiO2 Rutile Nanowires and Mesoporous Anatase Paste, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154, H157
2006 Jyh Ming Wu*, Han C. Shih, Wen-Ti Wu Formation and Photoluminescence of Single Crystalline TiO2 Nanowires Grown by Thermal Evaporation, Nanotechnology 105, 17
2006 Cheng-Liang Hsu, Shoou-Jinn Chang, Yan-Ru Lin, Jyh Ming Wu, Tzer-Shen Lin, Song-Yeu Tsai, I-Cherng Chen In-diffused ZnO Nanowires Synthesized on ITO-buffered Si Substrate, Nanotechnology 51, 617
2005 Jyh Ming Wu, Han C. Shih, Wen-Ti Wu, Yung-Kuan Tseng, I-Cherng Chen* Thermal evaporation growth and the luminescence property of TiO2 nanowires”, Journal Crystal Growth 281, 384
2005 Jyh Ming Wu, Wen-Ti Wu, Han C. Shih* Characterization of Single Crystalline TiO2 Nanowires Grown by Thermal Evaporation, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 152, G613
2005 Jyh Ming Wu, Han C. Shih*, Wen-Ti Wu Growth of TiO2 Nanorods by Two-step Thermal Evaporation, Journal Vacuum Science and Technology B 23, 2122
2005 Jyh Ming Wu*, Han C. Shih, Wen-Ti Wu Electron Field Emission from Single Crystalline TiO2 Nanowires Grown by Thermal Evaporation, Chemical Physics Letters 413, 490
年度 著作人 名稱
2016 Jyh Ming Wu , Wei Tsung Kao Flexible ultraviolet photodetector made from ZnO nanowires synthesized by direct ultraviolet-light decomposition process, 2016 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) [Includes 28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (IPRM) & 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS)
2013 Kuan-Hsueh Chen, Jyh Ming Wu* Self-powered ZnO Nanowires/Microwires Piezotronic Sensor, 2012 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2013 Jyh Ming Wu* Ultra-fast Responsive Photodetector Made from VO2 Nanorods, ICMAT2013 - Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), Singapore, 2013 July
2013 Jyh Ming Wu*, Kuan-Hsueh Chen, Chen Xu, Yan Zhang, Zhong Lin Wang Self-powered and Lead-free Nanogenerator Made from ZnSnO3 Microbelts, 2013 MRS Spring Meeting, USA, San Francisco, 2013 April,