Phone No. | +886-3-5715131 #42612 (Lab:42613、42616) |
Office | Delta Building R438, NTHU | | |
Education | Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Personal Website | |
Lab | 42613、42616 |
Discipline | Thin Film Engineering, Laboratories of Thin Films,Plasma Processing, Thin Film Physics and Technology, Thin film and phase transform Special Topics |
Speciality | Lithium Ion Battery Materials; Phase Transforming Materials (Memory, Optical Disk); Thin-film Solar Cell Materials |
Lih-Hsin Chou
Emeritus Professor
Inside School HonorOverview
得獎年度 | 獎項名稱 | 頒獎單位 |
2001 | Outstanding Teaching Award | National Tsing Hua University |
Research ProjectOverview
Year | Project Name | Participator | Job | Period | Cooperative Organization |
2004 | 硫屬材料記憶胞暨臨界交換材料開發研究 | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2004-09 ~ 2005-08 | Macronix |
2016 | ET-次微米磷酸鋰鐵錳新形態粉末研發(II) | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2016-01 ~ 2017-07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
2015 | Exloring the scaling limit of phase change memory | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2015-04 ~ 2016-04 | TSMC |
2015 | 次微米磷酸鋰鐵錳新形態粉末研發 | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2015-01 ~ 2016-03 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
2014 | A study and development of FeS2 (pyrite) thin film solar cell(III) | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2014-08 ~ 2015-07 | National Science Council |
2013 | A study and development of FeS2 (pyrite) thin film solar cell(II) | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2013-08 ~ 2014-07 | National Science Council |
2012 | A study and development of FeS2 (pyrite) thin film solar cell | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2012-08 ~ 2013-07 | National Science Council |
2009 | Materials and device development study for PCM (3/3) | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2009-08 ~ 2010-07 | National Science Councilv |
2008 | Materials and device development study for PCM (2/3) | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2008-08 ~ 2009-07 | National Science Council |
2007 | Materials and device development study for PCM (1/3) | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2007-08 ~ 2008-07 | National Science Council |
2007 | 相變化記憶體記憶材料開發 | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2007-01 ~ 2007-12 | TSMC |
2006 | Materials development for PCRAM | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2006-08 ~ 2007-07 | National Science Council |
2005 | An Application Study of Phase Change Materials on Information Data Storage Industry | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2005-08 ~ 2006-07 | National Science Councilv |
2004 | Study of higher density fast crystallization phase change recording materials and optical disk I | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2004-08 ~ 2005-07 | National Science Council |
2004 | 應用於藍光波長之相變化材料研究 | Lih-Hsin Chou | Manager | 2004-03 ~ 2004-11 | Industrial Technology Research Institute |