【轉知】台大土木電腦輔助工程組2022年度暑期實習計畫 - 報名日期延長通知

2022台大 CAE 暑期實習報名日期延長了!

Registration deadline for NTU CAE internship has been extended!


由於同學們報名踴躍,為了讓想參與CAE暑期實習的同學有更加充沛的時間準備資料,我們決定將報名截止期限延長到 2022/03/24 11:59PM

In order to give students who want to participate in the CAE summer internship more time to prepare, we decided to extend the registration deadline to 2022/03/24 11:59PM


報名表單 Registration form here:

https://forms.gle/rqTGxZ4R84E6XUYa8 (需登入Google帳號 Google account required)


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2022 台大 CAE 暑期實習計劃 National Taiwan University CAE Summer Internship Program

CAE x BIM center x AI center


歡迎加入「台大 CAE 暑期實習計劃 (實習日期: 2022627 — 2022819)」!




報名日期 Registration date: 2022/02/14 ~ 2022/03/24 23:59 PM


報名資料:填寫申請表單並上傳一頁 A4 能表現出個人特色的履歷及其他加分文件

Requested information: Fill in the application form and upload a page of A4 resume and other documents that can show personal characteristics


Email: caeintern@caece.net