【轉知】 Sony Japan線上徵才資訊

Greetings from the Global Talent Acquisition Team at Sony HQ in Tokyo!

We are excited to announce that we start the second term of recruitment process for undergraduate and graduate (Master’s and PhD) students who can join in 2022.

20 full-time job positions and 15 internship positions are available at our Research & Development teams in Japan.

Please see the details through Sony Global Careers Website and apply to the positions!

For students who have applied to the position for the first term but haven’t completed the application process (Online form, Essay and/or Coding test), please complete it by November 7th.

[Details of the position and how to apply]

Step 1: Please go to Sony Global Careers Website and check the details of each position by clicking each title: https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/Careers/japan/

Step 2: Please apply to one position you are interested in.

Step 3: Please submit the application form(mandatory), essay and/or coding test (depends on the position you apply) before application deadline.

[Working Location] Japan

[Language] Japanese language skill is NOT necessary to apply to the position

[Application Deadline] November 7, 2021 (JST)

Please complete all the requirements such as Essay and/or Coding test by then. The requirements differ depending on the position you chose.

[For more details] Please see the attached file

[Online Information session]

We welcome all interested students to join us in our upcoming event. Our experienced engineer working at our R&D teams will join the session and you have chance to hear about the engineering and the work life at Sony. 

Please register either one of the sessions and join the event!

1. October 15, 2021 09:00AM -10:00AM (TST)


2. October 29, 2021 04:00PM-05:00PM (TST)


We are looking forward to your applications!

Thank you and Kind regards,

Sony Global Talent Acquisition Team